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Learning as a life-long-process

Sharing knowledge | Improving exchange | Networking | Shaping the future

Initiating knowledge transfer in a practical and successful way at the Academy for Academic Advanced Training of the Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Science

The Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Science (HSHL) follows the goals of enabling learning in every phase of life at any time and of fostering different perspectives for people and the economy. The HSHL therefore has identified academic advanced training as a central task of the university. In 2018, it opened the Academy for Academic Advanced Training as a central scientific institution. 

The Academy receives impulses from the sciences and the economy and acts as a mediator by creating connections between organizations and individuals who are interested in further education on the one side and educational institutions and scientists on the other. 

To enable interested people who have already started their careers to benefit from academic advanced training, our offered courses are held not only face-to-face at the HSHL but also digitally according to the concept of Blended Learning. The advantages of this format are the flexibility and thus easier compatibility with the workplace through the opportunity of learning digitally, as well as the possibility to attend sessions on site to get in real contact with the professor and the other participants (getting to know each other, sense of belonging to the course, exchange, networking).

If you are interested but are not sure which of our offer(s) to choose, you can contact us for consultation.

We welcome both national and international requests for academic advanced training, research assignment cooperations, or any kinds of questions. 

For more information, simply email us with your request.

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