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Head of Department

Portraitfoto Elena Kamp Elena Kamp Head of Department Finances and Research +49 (0)2381 8789-298 elena.kamp@hshl.de
Representation Ulrich Kräuter
Head of Department Finances and Research +49 (0)2381 8789-270 ulrich.kraeuter@hshl.de
Ulrich Kräuter Head of Department Finances and Research +49 (0)2381 8789-270 ulrich.kraeuter@hshl.de
Representation Elena Kamp
Head of Department Finances and Research +49 (0)2381 8789-298 elena.kamp@hshl.de

Subject 3.1 - Finances

Lea Grabitz Head of Finances +49 (0)2381 8789-7301 lea.grabitz@hshl.de
Julia Augat State programs ZSL & QVM and third-party funding management +49 (0)2381 8789-192 julia.augat@hshl.de
Katrin Berendes Current account accounting +49 (0)2381 8789-283 katrin.berendes@hshl.de
Alexandra Hannemann Finances +49 (0)2381 8789-7306 alexandra.hannemann@hshl.de
Dipl.-Kulturwirtin Anne Gröger Management of third-party funds +49 (0)2381 8789-803 anne.groeger@hshl.de
Ralf Kläver Joint internal audit +49 (0)2381 8789-293 ralf.klaever@hshl.de
Frau mit Polaroid-Kamera Steven Löw Annual Financial Statements, Business Planning and Reporting +49 (0)2381 8789-7305 steven.loew@hshl.de
Phillip Meyer Asset accounting and state programs +49 (0)2381 8789-284 phillip.meyer@hshl.de
Frau mit Polaroid-Kamera Thomas Reißmann Financial controlling and third-party funding management +49 (0)2381 8789-7304 thomas.reissmann@hshl.de
Claudia Sander MACH Specialist administration +49 (0)2381 8789-290 claudia.sander@hshl.de
Portraitfoto Christoph Waitz Christoph Waitz Taxes and export and external controls +49 (0)2381 8789-287 christoph.waitz@hshl.de
Portraitfoto Gitta Schmeltekopf Gitta Kühnast State programs ZSL & QVM and third-party funding management On parental leave

Subject 3.2 - Research funding

Portraitfoto Elena Kamp Elena Kamp Head of Department Finances and Research +49 (0)2381 8789-298 elena.kamp@hshl.de
Representation Ulrich Kräuter
Head of Department Finances and Research +49 (0)2381 8789-270 ulrich.kraeuter@hshl.de
Julia Augat State programs ZSL & QVM and third-party funding management +49 (0)2381 8789-192 julia.augat@hshl.de
Portraitfoto Gitta Schmeltekopf Gitta Kühnast State programs ZSL & QVM and third-party funding management On parental leave
Dipl.-Kulturwirtin Anne Gröger Management of third-party funds +49 (0)2381 8789-803 anne.groeger@hshl.de
Wiebke Porstein-Scholz Management of third-party funds +49 (0)2381 8789-7302 wiebke.porstein-scholz@hshl.de
Frau mit Polaroid-Kamera Thomas Reißmann Financial controlling and third-party funding management +49 (0)2381 8789-7304 thomas.reissmann@hshl.de
Anke von Thaden Management of third-party funds +49 (0)2381 8789-281 anke.vonthaden@hshl.de

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