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Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences


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Hamm Campus | M. Sc.

Contact person

Portraitfoto Prof. Berndt Prof. Dr.-Ing. Florian Berndt Head of Studies Applied Biomedical Engineering +49 (0)2381 8789-430 florian.berndt@hshl.de
Portraitfoto Prof. Brinker Prof. Dr. Klaus Brinker Applied Computer Science and Mathematics +49 (0)2381 8789-412 klaus.brinker@hshl.de
Portraitfoto Professor Holger Glasmachers Prof. Dr. Holger Glasmachers Measurement and Control Technology +49 (0)2381 8789-429 holger.glasmachers@hshl.de
Portraitfoto Prof. Hohenberg. Prof. Dr. Gregor Hohenberg Head of Digitalization and Knowledge Management +49 (0)2381 8789-7150 gregor.hohenberg@hshl.de
Portraitfoto Prof. Kamin. Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kamin Biomedical Engineering +49 (0)2381 8789-425 wolfgang.kamin@hshl.de
Portraitfoto Professor Thomas Kirner Prof. Dr. Thomas Kirner "Chemistry and Bio-Microstructure Technology" +49 (0)2381 8789-407 thomas.kirner@hshl.de
Portraitfoto Professor Mathias Krause Prof. Dr. Mathias Krause Mathematics for Engineers +49 (0)2381 8789-432 mathias.krause@hshl.de
Portraitfoto Prof. Mathis. Prof. Dr. Harald P. Mathis Head of the Frauenhofer Application Center SYMILA +49 (0)2381 877-55-20 harald.mathis@hshl.de
Portraitfoto Professor Bettina Nocke Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bettina Nocke Building Services Engineering +49 (0)2381 8789-448 bettina.nocke@hshl.de
Portraitfoto Professor Lara Tickenbrock Prof. Dr. Lara Tickenbrock Biology and Biochemistry +49 (0)2381 8789-405 lara.tickenbrock@hshl.de
Portraitfoto Professor Jürgen Trzewik Prof. Dr. Jürgen Trzewik Medical Engineering +49 (0)2381 8789-417 juergen.trzewik@hshl.de
Portraitfoto Profesor Gabriele Wieczorek Prof. Dr. Gabriele Wieczorek Statistics and Probability Theory in Industry +49 (0)2381 8789-413 gabriele.wieczorek@hshl.de

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