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Visual Computing and Design

Bachelor study program I Lippstadt Campus

Even the best technology does not automatically lead to a good, intuitive operability or a convincing look; this additionally requires a target group-specific and user-oriented design. This, in turn, implies an understanding of what expectations people have on objects and products or how people behave when they operate a machine, a smartphone, a car or a ticket machine.

If man and machine communicate

Everyone is familiar with the many small displays and digital media on devices and appliances used to adjust settings or the interactive touch screens for navigating by means of systems and simulated views of products, buildings or objects. All of them are based on the visualization of information and functions and backed by complex systems consisting of technical components and elaborate software. However, even the best technology does not automatically lead to a good, intuitive operability or a convincing look; this additionally requires a target group-specific and user-oriented design. This, in turn, implies an understanding of what expectations people have on objects and products or how people behave when they operate a machine, a smartphone, a car or a ticket machine.

The degree course

The "Visual Computing and Design" degree course is about this interplay, the integrated approach to the conception and development of technical systems as well as their interfaces to people. Besides technical fundamentals, which are relevant for visual computing, another focus is on the conceptual and design perspective. The consistently interdisciplinary orientation of the study program in the field of applied computer sciences opens up a variety of occupational work areas.

Mandatory electives:

  • User Experience
  • Visualization


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